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True love is…………??

热度 3已有 590 次阅读2012-2-17 21:02

You said true love is you r seeing with me, u r sitting beside me and u r listen to me..........
Nowadays, what's ur meaning of true love???
Today, is the 8th month we broke up......Remember last word u said to me?
U said u hated to seeing with me, u hated to sitting beside me and u want to escape to a world without my voice. U said seeing with me made u stuffing, sitting beside me made u boring and listen to me made u lost ur own opinion. U just end up our 5 years relationship with this few simple sentences, I remember the only word I said to u on that day is "sorry". Sorry that I hurted u, sorry that I wasted ur time and sorry that I was falling in love with u. My heart was broken and I'm dying on this few month, I don't know what can I do to hold u back, I don't know what can I say to make u stay. U said the only way to make u stay is going to Singapore with u and forget about my parent and family here.
I don't understand why I have to make a decision between u and my family, why I have to give up my family to exchange ur love. Remember 1st time u meet my parent? U said u will love my family as the way I love u but now u ask me to make a choice between u and my family. How come u can totally change ur mind after u working at Singapore?? I don't mind to drive two and half hour across the bridge to Singapore to find u, I don't mind ur salary is lower that me, I also don't mind u didn't come my hometown. What I care is u ask me to leave my family.
I can't do it and I think I have to really give up our love because my family and me r not the important person inside ur heart anymore........
Our love was defeated by the distance and our love was beat by ur selfishness






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回复 wux_bmulee 2014-1-27 19:18
回复 Magic_Nanoha 2014-2-28 15:28


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