- 积分
- 1838
- 注册时间
- 2023-3-27
- 最后登录
- 1970-1-1
- // ==UserScript==
- // [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=192264]@name[/url] Yamibo Script
- // [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=291848]@namespace[/url] http://tampermonkey.net/
- // [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=121086]@version[/url] 0.0
- // @description 小幅增强百合会网页版观看体验
- // [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=389072]@author[/url] VoltaXTY
- // [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=286521]@Match[/url] https://bbs.yamibo.com/*
- // [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=35369]@icon[/url] http://yamibo.com/favicon.ico
- // [url=home.php?mod=space&uid=147958]@grant[/url] none
- // @run-at document-end
- // ==/UserScript==
- let ID = 1;
- const GenerateID = () => {
- return ID++;
- };
- const HTML = (tagname, attrs, ...children) => {
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- for(const listener of value){
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- const ParseHTML = (html) => {
- const t = document.createElement("template");
- t.innerHTML = html;
- return t.content;
- }
- const ThreadIDToURL = (tid, page = 1) => {
- return `https://bbs.yamibo.com/thread-${tid}-${page}-1.html`;
- }
- const FetchThread = async (url) => {
- let retry = false;
- do{
- retry = false;
- let res = await fetch(url, {
- credentials: "include",
- });
- let text = await res.text();
- if(text.startsWith("<script")){
- let jumploc = "";
- let location = {
- get href(){
- return jumploc;
- },
- set href(_){
- if(!jumploc) jumploc = _;
- },
- assign(_){
- if(!jumploc) jumploc = _;
- },
- replace(_){
- if(!jumploc) jumploc = _;
- }
- };
- let window = {
- get href(){
- return jumploc;
- },
- set href(_){
- if(!jumploc) jumploc = _;
- }
- };
- const t = document.createElement("template");
- t.innerHTML = text;
- const s = t.content.firstElementChild;
- if(s.tagName === "SCRIPT"){
- const _ = s.innerHTML;
- try{ eval(_); } catch (error){
- console.error(_);
- console.error(error);
- jumploc = location = "";
- retry = true;
- }
- }
- if(typeof location === "string" && location.length > jumploc.length) jumploc = location;
- if(jumploc !== ""){
- let res2 = await fetch(`https://bbs.yamibo.com${jumploc}`, {
- credentials: "include",
- });
- let text = await res2.text();
- return text;
- }
- }
- else return text;
- }while(retry);
- return "Should not reach here.";
- }
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- `
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- const IsForumPost = () => {
- const forumview_url = /https:\/\/bbs\.yamibo\.com\/thread-[0-9]+-[0-9]+-[0-9]+\.html/;
- if(forumview_url.test(location.toString())) return true;
- if((new URLSearchParams(window.location.search)).get("mod") === "viewthread") return true;
- else return false;
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- const AddPreviewButton = () => {
- // TODO
- document.querySelectorAll("#threadlisttableid tbody[id]").forEach((tbody) => {
- if(tbody.hasAttribute("preview-button-added")) return;
- else tbody.setAttribute("preview-button-added", "");
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- if(!id_pattern.test(tbody.id)) return;
- const title_ele = tbody.querySelector(":scope tr th");
- title_ele.insertAdjacentElement("afterbegin",
- HTML("td", {class: "preview-button"}, "test")
- );
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- document.querySelectorAll("div[id^="post_"]").forEach((div) => {
- if(!(/post_[0-9]+/.test(div.id)) || div.hasAttribute("modified")) return;
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- const author_id = div.querySelector(":scope .pi .authi .xw1").textContent;
- const post_content = div.querySelector(":scope .plc");
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- HTML("strong", {class: "author-id__added"}, author_id),
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- while(!pcac.item(0).classList.contains("pil")) group1.append(pcac.item(0));
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- post_content_author.append(group1, group2);
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题外话,管理版没法编辑帖子真的是硬伤。 |