楼主: strongp1


发表于 2006-9-3 19:51 | 显示全部楼层
F14的退役并不是因为什么性能的问题 反而直到现在 F14还是美海军历史上最佳的对空战斗机 估计就算F35舰载型出现 也不能改变这个事实。F14的退役用MGS4里的一句话引用就是 战争改变了 的确苏联解体后 美海军再也不用担心几十架图22的高速突防。现在美军需要的是什么呢?在AWACS 无人机 卫星 电子战都強于对方几个等级的情况下 美军能够完全掌握制空权。在这个时候能够更好的执行对地任务 可以说是第一要求。据个例子 某巡逻部队突然遭到攻击 他们发现攻击者在30米前的一幢房子里。这个时候 他们就可以直接通过自己的PDA 把情况交给AWACS。。。。几分钟后就会有炸弹掉在那撞房子上可能是FA18也可能是B52 甚至可能是无人机发起的攻击在战争已经进行到这种情况的时候 显然带着6枚不死鸟的F14并不适合 而且最关键的一个子 还是钱。。。。。。。维护F14的成本实在是太高了。FA18EF的成本 要比F14低好多 而且单次出击携带的对地攻击弹药可以更多。。。。。。而且把2个中队的F14变为FA18EF 可以让后勤线更加简化。。。。。海军和乐而不为呢。。。。。。
讲更加难听点 要是美国现在打俄罗斯 F14肯定全部接封 呵呵。。。。。

至于发动机 推重比么。。。。。。。。为何你所说的推重比9的飞机追补上所谓推重比7的飞机呢。。。。。。。
 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-3 20:17 | 显示全部楼层
至于发动机 推重比么。。。。。。。。为何你所说的推重比9的飞机追补上所谓推重比7的飞机

 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-3 20:27 | 显示全部楼层
讲更加难听点 要是美国现在打俄罗斯 F14肯定全部接封 呵呵。。。。。

发表于 2006-9-3 20:36 | 显示全部楼层
F-14从造价讲性价比是不高, 但是全部让他退役了换虫子上来, 也不见得经济.
我跟你说, 军队内部的人也是勾心斗角的, 猫猫的退役除了性能, 使用能力方面外, 其他的因素也大得很.

其实我也很喜欢虫子的, 只不过我喜欢猫猫胜于虫子...最最后, 其实我更喜欢苏式战机, 实用性我对苏式战机也难有高评价, 但是华丽的高机动性是我最喜欢的. 战斗机不单拿来打仗, 还可以表演, 这多好啊~


超 级 战 斗 机 之 争

作者:保罗 盖尔科瑞斯特
鲍伯 克里斯
原载:美国《飞行月刊 Flight Journal》2002年2月号


编者按:几乎所有投入服役的美国军用飞机都会遭受非议并引起争论,F/A-18E/F “超级大黄蜂”战斗机更是如此。这次我们的两位专家会来说明为何他们认为超级大黄蜂并不是海军未来所需的战机,而他们的个人背景将会加重论点的分量。

美国海军少将保罗?盖尔科瑞斯特在1985年退役之前,有33年的舰载机飞行经历,超过6000小时的飞行记录,飞过75种不同飞机,在16艘航母上着舰962次。越南战争期间,保罗曾驾驶 F-8 “十字军”战斗机在东京湾执行过167次战斗任务,并获得了17次战斗奖章。他不但指挥过舰载机中队、航空联队,还曾统帅过整个太平洋舰队的空中力量。




长久以来,美国海军航空兵内部就一种实用的“深入阻断战斗轰炸机”的需求争论不休,焦点便是F-14“雄猫”战斗机与 F/A-18E/F“超级大黄蜂”战斗机。不过,关于“深入阻断”的定义本身往往随论证的需要而被改变,人们仅仅只是拿它来支持自己所支持的战机而已,真实战场所给出的需求定义反而被忽略了。

经历了阿富汗战争和伊拉克战争,迫使我们不得不去好好的定义什么才是“能深入敌方境内进行攻击作战的战机”。现在美国的许多作战对象的周边国家往往因为政治上的原因,使得我们的战机必须绕道执行任务,在性能发挥到极限的情况下作战。而美国向来依赖航母作为基地,那么就拿打击阿富汗的目标来说,哪一种舰载战机会更有优势呢?显然,久经考验的 F-14雄猫把 F/A-18大黄蜂甩在了身后。



首先声明,因为美国政府不会告诉我们其行动的机密,所以我们拿阿富汗战争来举例的时候可能需要一些合理的假设。首先,飞抵目标上空就是第一个巨大的挑战。为了避开诸如蚕式反舰导弹的威胁,航母战斗群不会冒险越过(阿曼)马斯奎德和(巴基斯坦)阿默达巴德一线以北,差不多部署在卡拉奇以西一些,这样飞一趟喀布尔单程就需要大约1,327公里。假设有S-3加油机的支援,F-14在(巴基斯坦)基达和苏库尔之间某处加一次油,那么就算打击阿富汗最北的目标也没有问题。不过要是换成 F/A-18E/F,在同一地点加油,它也飞不到喀布尔。F-14携带常规攻击装备:4枚2,000磅级的激光制导炸弹,2枚HARM导弹(注1)及两枚AIM-9“响尾蛇”导弹,外加675发20毫米炮弹和2个280加仑副油箱,不加油的活动半径至少有805公里。相比而言,超级大黄蜂只能携带只及前者一半的炸弹,在563公里的半径内活动。所以要完成一次“大黄蜂攻击”,S-3加油机在第一次喂饱“虫子”之后,必须风风火火地赶回航母给自己加满油,然后再回去跟完成任务的机队会合,给大黄蜂再来点儿JP-4鸡尾酒,否则它们肯定飞不回巢穴。

阿富汗上空一架“雄鹰武士”中队的 F/A-18C 全副武装,正在做左急转


当然,F-14不是第一波打击阿富汗目标的战机,而是携带16枚2000磅重GPS制导炸弹的 B-2 隐身轰炸机,从美国本土密苏里州怀特曼空军基地起飞,完成任务往返飞行需要33小时,随后跟上的是上一辈的战略轰炸机——B-52和B-1。



自从上个世纪八十年代末美国国防部长取消了 A-12 攻击机计划之后(注2),我们便对海军的“逐渐衰败”感到愤怒。而且那个决定造成了此后一系列其它错误决定,类似的管理错误在五角大楼近10多年的时间里也不曾出现!回想当年,层出不穷的海军舰载机掀起了它们的盖头,造海军机简直是一种时尚。这里要声明一下,我们反对那些错误决策,但并不象某些海军高官那样,认为在那个历史时期发展 A-12 计划是适宜的,实际上我们不支持 A-12(译注:他们也许想要更适合的战机,不要跟随空军一起发展类似 F-117 的作战飞机)!




F-14 重拳出击
航母战斗群的防卫圈是由防空战斗机、区域防空巡洋舰、护卫舰,以及水下的潜艇组成,航母应该是相当安全的。在尼米兹级航母上,我们可以见到远程战斗机F-14,以及相对轻型的F/A-18。远程攻击机 A-6 已经退役,但是其派生产物EA-6B 电子战机仍然活跃于战场上,因为海军和空军都需要这种飞机。现在F-14可以负担起A-6的攻击任务,因为设计之初就有这方面的准备,在科索沃的表现,证明了雄猫也是一种很有效的攻击机,同时具备打击指引能力——利用LANTIRN、夜视仪、合成孔径空地雷达——不但可以令雄猫本身携带的4枚2,000磅激光制导炸弹准确击中目标,也能为随行的大黄蜂进行目标照射,因为后者没有类似的装备。

一架携带了低空导航和夜视红外目标指示器(LANTIRN)吊舱的 F-14 进入降落程序,该机隶属于
第102舰载战斗机中队(VF-102 钻石印章),随CV-67 肯尼迪号航母参与“南方守望行动”


  B-2 F-14
一架次携带2000磅激光制导炸弹的数量 16枚 4枚
执行一次攻击任务需要的时间 33小时* 3小时
每“两个夜晚”的出动次数 1 5 **
一次“两晚任务”可携带的炸弹总数 16枚 20枚
从起飞到第一枚炸弹落地时间 至少16.5小时 少于2小时

注:* 由于缺乏海外基地,B-2要从密苏里州的怀特曼空军基地起飞
-- ** F-14的数据按照“沙漠之狐”行动计算

根据这个表格,我们可以很轻易地证明航母战斗群的作战效率。一艘尼米兹级航母(理论上)可以部署多达24架 F-14,按照上表计算,超过一个中队16架 B-2 的武器投放量。不过很不幸,F-14的数量已经急剧减少,现在一艘航母上只有一个 F-14 中队,10-12架飞机。剩下的 F-14 也将在2007年左右全部退役,到时候谁来取代它们呢?

答案是F/A-18超级大黄蜂。它有现代化的座舱,在航展上也频出风头,不过有效载荷/航程比只有 F-14 的36%。即便是经过改进的量产型,最多这个数值也只能提升到50%。这就意味着在大黄蜂全面替代雄猫的那一天,航母战斗群的空中打击半径也只有现在的一半,覆盖面积则只有23%。所以海军现在抓紧研究超级大黄蜂的“伙伴加油”技术也有了正当理由。

顺便说一下,由于 KA-6 加油机也已经退役,那么超级大黄蜂改成加油机是否合适?与官方的宣传相反,我们发现“KF-18”之类并不是一个圆满的解决方案。为了满足常规作战时的超音速性能,超级大黄蜂的主翼带有锯齿,展弦比也低,这对亚音速飞行是十分不利的。与 KA-6 加油机相比,起飞的有效载荷也少。同样愚蠢的主意还有电子战大黄蜂EF-18,它同样具有上述的空气动力学矛盾(加油机和电子战机基本上都飞在亚音速范围,当然逃跑时可以利用一下超音速性能),外加一个负载能力问题:它的挂架到底是用来携带电子对抗吊舱,还是支撑足够作战半径的副油箱?大肚子的EA-6B 就没有这些烦恼,海军是否应该考虑再升级 EA-6,甚至用它们作为加油机?又或者重新制造“超级入侵者”呢?

本文之初就已经说过,打击阿富汗的恐怖主义有许多办法,空军的重型轰炸机狂轰滥炸但收效一般,而F-14和F/A18 组成的舰载攻击部队执行战术轰炸看上去更为灵活和有效。再配合巴基斯坦上空部署的 S-3 加油机,作战范围可以更广。与此同时,空军的战术飞机却没有阿富汗附近的基地可用,甚至找不到合适的空中加油地点(加油必须绝对保证在“友好的领空”)。当然,印刷成出版物的时候,事实有时候会被扭曲,一般人会被误导。


斯坦尼斯号航母上的一架 F/A-18C(VMFA-314 黑骑士中队)正携带2000磅 MK.86 JDAM 准备起飞



有一次利用F/A-18A作为“追踪机”观察F-14D的测试飞行,F-14D携带了4枚 2,000磅炸弹,2个280加仑副油箱,外加HARM和响尾蛇导弹各2枚,追踪机只携带了一个机腹副油箱。然而每次飞行,追踪机都被观测目标甩在几英里远的身后,直到用尽燃料掉头返回。而当F/A-18E超级大黄蜂投入测试后,还是用那架A型的大黄蜂追踪,配置情况基本相似,这一次追踪机甚至不用开满发动机推力就可轻松的伴飞。

还有一份测试结果表明,超级大黄蜂不带任何外挂,开足加力也不能在约3000米以下的空域内的平飞速度超过马赫1。而 F-14D 可以在这个高度达到马赫1.6。另外再引用一位大黄蜂飞行员的原话:“F/A-18E比60年代以后的其它战斗机飞的都慢!”


F-14 的升级计划

执行“南方守望行动”的 VF-2 捕快中队 F-14D 雄猫,正飞越阿拉伯湾里的星座号航母,它被阳光染成了金黄色





VF-41 黑色王牌中队的 F-14A正等待 KC-10 的加油。它与其他的 F/A-18 都是从企业号航母上起飞参加战斗任务












一架 VFA-43 蓝色炸药中队(隶属华盛顿号航母)的 F/A-18 正在俯冲,气流从它的机翼上划过





注2:原文如此,可能是指取消计划的酝酿时间。当时的国防部长理查德.切尼(现在的美国副总统)是在1991年1月7日正式下令取消该计划。另,此人如何当上国防部长不得而知,因他曾扬言反对V-22、M1、F-16、F-14等一系列军备改造计划。1991年的晚些时候,正是切尼下令销毁了 F-14 生产线。








------ 全文完,谢谢观赏 ------
 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-3 20:37 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2006-9-3 20:37 | 显示全部楼层

我说啊,朋友,国内的XXXX杂志少看,看了多坏脑子的- -|

被毒害的真厉害。。。 (摇头
发表于 2006-9-3 20:37 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2006-9-3 20:41 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 strongp1 于 2006-9-3 20:37 发表

虽然现在F/A-18E/F的APG79+A ...

发表于 2006-9-3 20:43 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 haowande11 于 2006-9-3 13:20 发表
顺便PS 一下

伊朗的猫全部是F-14A  没有F-14D  


First and only foreign country to fly the F-14 was Iran. Back in the early '70s the shah was ab ...

我知道, 那个是我笔误而已. 伊朗应该有78架波斯猫, 美国扣了一架, 自己掉了下来一架.
当时美国扣了很多"不死鸟"导弹下来, 现在伊朗没多少个导弹了, 所以都自己改装成发射"霍克"导弹了~ 不过ME对伊朗空军米啥信心~怕是要给美国打下来不少的说~

 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-3 20:43 | 显示全部楼层

超 级 战 斗 机 之 争

作者:保罗 盖尔科瑞斯特
鲍伯 克里斯
原载:美国《飞行月刊 Flight Journal》2002年2月号


Battle of the SuperFighters
F-14D Tomcat vs. F/A18 E/F Super Hornet

Two experts say the Super Hornet isn't so super By Bob Kress and Rear Adm. Paul Gillcrist, U.S. Navy (Ret.)
Editors' note: every airplane that goes into service is accompanied by controversy. This is especially true of the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet. Our two experts argue that the Super Hornet is not necessarily the airplane the Navy needs for the future, and their backgrounds lend weight to their arguments. Rear Adm. Paul Gillcrist U.S. Navy (Ret.) spent 33 years as a fighter pilot and wing commander and was operations commander of all Pacific Fleet fighters. Bob Kress is an aeronautical engineer and, during his long career at Grumman, he was directly involved in the development of a wide range of fighters. He was the Engineering Manager for the original design and development of the F-14 Tomcat. Their analysis makes an interesting statement when placed against the background of the war on terrorism.

The requirements for a practical deep interdiction fighter/bomber have long been the subject of controversy within the naval aviation community, especially when it comes to the F-14 Tomcat versus the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet. Often, however, the definition of deep interdiction is changed to fit the aircraft under discussion, rather than taking into account the real-world theater of operations for which it is destined.

Events over Afghanistan, however, have forced us to formalize what is really needed if an aircraft is to strike an enemy deep within its country. Today, we know that the politics of surrounding countries can dictate mission distances that stretch the ability of current aircraft to their limits.
The U.S. relies on Navy aircraft arriers as bases. So, when putting fighter/ bombers over Afghan targets, which aircraft led the charge?—the tried-and-true F-14 Tomcat with the F/A-18 Hornet well behind.

This particular conflict motivated us to address what we see as a serious problem concerning Naval aviation assets and the realities of the fields over which we will fight.

As shown over Afghanistan, there are four basic requirements of any carrier strike force:
o        Reach the target.
o        Don't get shot down by SAMs, AAA, or enemy fighters.
o        Strike the target.
o        Return to the carrier before running out of gas.
Within these four seemingly simple rules are the needs for an airplane to have a long range while carrying sufficient munitions to hammer a target and still be able to fight its way through enemy aircraft and AAA threats.
An Afghanistan scenario
Because our government isn't telling us all of its secrets, we'll have to make some assumptions when using Afghanistan as an example. It is, however, obvious that reaching the target presents a great challenge. To avoid Silkworm-class missiles, the carrier battle group probably would not want to venture north of a line joining Masqat, Oman and Ahmadabad, Pakistan. Along this line, the group would be somewhat west of Karachi. Reaching Kabul would require a one-way flight of roughly 825 statute miles. Assuming the use of S-3 tankers, an F-14 strike, refueling somewhere between Quetta and Sukkur, Pakistan, wouldn't have any trouble attacking targets in the northernmost parts of Afghanistan. If, however, an F/A-18E/F refuels in the same spot, it will barely make it to Kabul. The un-refueled radius of an F-14 carrying the normal strike load (four 2,000-pound LGBs, two HARM missiles and two Sidewinders plus 675 rounds of 20mm and two, 280-gallon external tanks) is at least 500 statute miles. Accompanying E/F Super Hornets have only a 350-statute-mile radius carrying about half the bomb load. To complete the picture of mission distances, the S-3s would have to dash back to the CVs, hot-refuel and meet the raid coming out of Afghanistan, which would be much in need of JP-4 cocktails.

An F-14 Tomcat equipped with a Low-Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infrared for Night (LANTIRN) pod prepares to enter the pattern in preparation of landing aboard USS John F. Kennedy (CV 67). The fighter is attached to Fighter Squadron One Zero Two (VF-102) "Diamondbacks," deployed aboard the carrier which is participating in Operation Southern Watch. Photo courtesy of the U.S. Navy.

Why are we nit picking over mission details? Easy! At the beginning of the studies that led to this article, we were convinced that the Afghan campaign would be an all-USAF show, and that would lead to questions of carrier-fleet effectiveness. But map studies combined with knowledge of geopolitical restrictions showed that carrier assets, primarily the F-14, were just about the U.S.'s only option. This has clearly been substantiated by events.

Of course, the F-14s were not the first to hit targets in Afghanistan; B-2 stealth bombers each carried 16, 2,000-pound GPS-guided bombs. They flew from Whiteman AFB in Missouri—a 33-hour round trip. Further, big-time USAF strategic air assets—B-52s and B-1s—arrived shortly afterward.

It was soon apparent that USAF tactical aircraft were not being used in Afghanistan. We found that, even given unlimited in-flight tanker refueling, the USAF F-15 and F-16 could not be used without a Middle Eastern ground base. Turkish bases were simply too far away and would require refueling over hostile areas. Only the use of tactical air bases in Turkmenistan and/or Uzbekistan would work, and this would allow only partial coverage of Afghanistan.

The big question becomes: does the Navy have the assets to be able to carry this kind of war into the future, and what kind of planning is in place? To cut to the chase, the discussion once again reverts to whether or not the new Super Hornet will really cut the mustard or the Navy has taken yet another wrong turn that will cost us dearly on the battlefield.

Armed with a 2000-pound MK-86 Joint Defense Attack Munition (JDAM), an F/A-18 Hornet from the "Black Knights" of Marine Fighter Attack Squadron Three One Four receives the final signal for launch aboard USS John C. Stennis.

Photo by Photographer's Mate 3rd Class Jayme Pastoric
. Photo courtesy of the U.S. Navy.
A History of Naval Aviation difficulties
The subject of the erosion of Naval aviation has nagged both of us ever since the cancellation of the A-12 program by the Secretary of Defense in the late '80s. It was a watershed for a number of reasons, not the least of which was a level of bad management that hadn't been seen in the Pentagon for decades! We can look back on that day and clearly see that the unraveling of the fabric of Naval aviation would become a long-term trend. Neither of us contends that the A-12, as envisioned by Navy leaders, was the right airplane to develop at that point in history; in fact, it wasn't! That, however, is another story for another time.
The sun paints an F-14D Tomcat of Fighter Squadron Two gold as it flies over USS Constellation in the Arabian Gulf during Operation Southern Watch.
Photo by Photographer's Mate Third Class Timothy C. Ward. Photo courtesy of the U.S. Navy.

We have put off writing this article simply because we know it is likely to ruffle many feathers in the Pentagon and on Capitol Hill, but events in Afghanistan again brought our main arguments into focus. Is writing this kind of article worth it, we wondered; we might be seen to be 損iling it on?when the Navy is in difficulty and clearly on a steep, downhill slide. Well, we have listened, with no small restraint, to the pontifications that justify how well the Navy is doing with its favorite program, the F/A-18E/F Super Hornet—despite unimpeachable reports to the contrary from the guys in the fleet; comments made to us by young fleet pilots who have flown the airplane and describe it as 揳 dog?carry much more weight with us than statements from senior officers and civilians higher in the food chain. But certain pontifications in a statement by a senior Naval officer who should have known better served as the last straw.

The pronouncement appeared along with a spate of triumphal announcements that celebrated the 搒uccessful?completion of the Super Hornet's first operational evaluation (OPEVAL). In a publication called 揑nside Washington,?the Navy's director of operational testing is quoted as saying that the Super Hornet was superior to its earlier models 搮 in every category but three: acceleration, maximum speed and sustained turning performance.?This pronouncement boggled our minds because these are the very performance capabilities that determine a tactical airplane's survival. Then, as if to justify this 揾and grenade,?the officer is quoted as stating that the Navy has sacrificed speed in the Super Hornet for other beneficial capabilities, and he asserts, 揵rute speed is no longer the discriminator it once was when the benchmark was the Soviet threat.?It is clear to us that this Naval officer doesn't have a clue about aerial combat and the importance of total energy in the complex equations of energy maneuverability. Nor does he seem to understand that Third World countries all around the globe are purchasing the very latest operational Russian-built fighters that are also licensed for production in China. The Russian aerial threat still exists; what has changed is that the pilots aren't Russians.

As a nation, we have always had the means to protect our own global interests as well as those of other countries. Short of nuclear war, the carrier battle groups have been able to strike on very short notice. A President's first question in time of crisis is often, 揥here are the carriers??
An F-14A Tomcat attached to Fighter Squadron Four One awaits its turn, along with two F/A-18s, to refuel during flight operations from the aircraft carrier USS Enterprise. Meanwhile, one F/A-18 Hornet is refueling from the Air Force KC-10A Extender advanced tanker.

Photo by Cmdr. Brian G. Gawne. Photo courtesy of the U.S. Navy.
F-14s carry a major punch
With a layered defense, including air assets, guided-missile cruisers and frigates and undersea backing, the carrier battle groups are pretty well invulnerable. On the Nimitz-class carrier, we see the F-14—a truly long-range fighter/bomber—plus lightweight F/A-18A fighter/bombers. The long-range A-6 bomber has gone forever, but its derivative, the EA-6B Electronic War-fare (EW) aircraft is in place and is in much demand by both the USN and the USAF. This country's Desert Fox and Kosovo experiences have, at last—and correctly—shifted the focus away from stealth and toward electronic warfare. We will have more to say on this important topic in a subsequent article. In short, at the moment, the deck complement looks adequate. The F-14 can pick up the A-6 role because it was designed to do so from scratch. Its performance in Kosovo as a very effective strike leader has more than borne out that fact. With LANTIRN, night-vision devices and synthetic aperture A/G radar, the F-14 targeted not only its own four 2,000-pound weapons but also the ordnance of the F/A-18s, which don't have such capable sensors.

An interesting comparison can be made to quantify the F-14's strike effectiveness. Compare one F-14 and one B-2 bomber during a two-night (33-hour) mission in Kosovo. In reactive situations (no foreign base), the B-2 operates from the U.S. (lack of overseas B-2 basing is a serious constraint and there are only a limited number of B-2s to begin with). The chart shows the weapons delivered—U.S. to Kosovo and back—for the B-2 and the F-14D.
Carrier effectiveness is the issue
This simple chart says a great deal about a carrier battle group's effectiveness. Remember that there are—or there can be—24 F-14s on a ship such as the John C. Stennis (CVN-71). Twenty four F-14s can deliver more weapons than the entire 16 aircraft B-2 fleet. Unfortunately, the numbers of F-14s are dwindling, and they will be almost gone in another 10 years. What will be the replacement?

        33-hour-mission strike effectiveness
                B-2        F-14
        No. of 2,000 lb. bombs        16        4
        Mission time (hours)        33*        3+
        No. of missions        1        5**
        No. of bombs delivered        16        20
        First bombs on target (hours)        16.5        2
*From Whiteman AFB, Missouri
**All-night missions
The F-14 information is from Desert Fox operations.
The F-14 will be replaced by the F/A-18E Super Hornet, which attempts deep-interdiction missions. Though it's a whizzy little airshow performer with a nice, modern cockpit, it has only 36 percent of the F-14's payload/range capability. The F/A-18E Super Hornet has been improved but still has, at best, 50 percent of the F-14's capability to deliver a fixed number of bombs (in pounds) on target. This naturally means that the carrier radius of influence drops to 50 percent of what it would have been with the same number of F-14s. As a result, the area of influence (not radius) drops to 23 percent! No wonder the USN is working on 揵uddy tanker?versions of the Super Hornet.

By the way, now that the A-6 tanker has gone, how will the Hornets get to deep-interdiction targets? Contrary to what we're officially told, a tanker variant of the Hornet is simply not the answer. In an attempt to make it supersonic, the F-18E has been given a low aspect ratio, razor blade of a wing. This hurts subsonic drag and carrier takeoff payload when compared with a KA-6 tanker, which is an aerodynamically efficient solution. Equally silly is the proposal for an EW version of the F-18E. The same aerodynamic reasons apply for this airplane, plus it has an external stores dilemma. To get sufficient range to support a deep-interdiction mission, the EF-18E would have to use up precious external store stations with fuel tanks rather than ECM pods as carried on the EA-6B. Perhaps the Navy should consider putting the EA-6B back into upgraded and modernized production and build some of them as tankers? Or more Super A-6s?

As this is being written, it is too early to comment in an informed manner on the war on terrorism in Afghanistan. The USAF heavy bomber raids are fully public. However, it is evident that USN carrier strike groups that consist of F-14s and F-18s are conducting the tactical raids. A study of maps shows that CVN airborne S-3 tankers facilitate the conduct of these raids by refueling, probably over Pakistan. At this time, USAF tactical air assets do not have bases close enough to Afghanistan to allow airborne refueling over friendly nations. By the time this finds its way in-to print, that may have changed.
Reported Super Hornet problems
Although the Navy has been working very hard to correct F/A-18E/F OPEVAL problems, it is worth summing them up: the production F/A-18E/F is significantly overweight with respect to its specifications (3,000 pounds over). This is far in excess of what one would expect for a variant of an existing F/A-18A, B, C, or D. Aircraft weight estimation methods could, and should, have been much better; in fact, when we look objectively at the F/A-18E/F, we see an airplane with a brand-new wing, new fuselage and new empennage—in other words, a new airplane. This is, therefore, what Congress would call a 搉ew start.?Both Congress and the Dept. of Defense (DoD) had to be looking the other way when the Navy was permitted to slip this airplane by as a simple modification of an existing airplane.

          Vapor streaks across the wings of an F/A-18 Hornet from the "Blue Blasters" of Fighter Attack Squadron Three Four as it dives during an air power demonstration near the aircraft carrier USS George Washington.

Photo by Photographer's Mate 2nd Class Shane McCoy. Photo courtesy of the U.S. Navy.

In combat-maneuvering flight, the aircraft had severe 搘ing-drop?problems that defied resolution, despite the use of every aerodynamic analytical tool available. Eventually, one test pilot came up with a 搇eaky-fold-joint?fix that opened chordwise air slots to aspirate the wing's upper surface flow and thereby prevent the sharp stalling of one wing before the other. They stalled more or less together, but much earlier and more severely than before. This new fix is what the aerodynamicists call a 揵and aid.?It causes aircraft buffeting, which is generally a source of wing drag. But a 揻ix?that combined 揳cceptable?wing drop with 揳cceptable?buffeting had been achieved. One test pilot commented dryly, 揑'd like the buffeting levels to be a little lower so I could read the heads-up display!?br>
Owing to its high drag and weight (and probably other factors), the F/A-18E is significantly poorer in acceleration than the F/A-18A. Also, its combat ceiling is substantially lower, and its transonic drag rise is very high. We have stayed in touch with some pilots at the Navy's test center and have gathered some mind-boggling anecdotal information. Here are some examples:

?An F/A-18A was used to 揷hase?an F-14D test flight. The F-14D was carrying four 2,000-pound bombs, two 280-gallon drop tanks, two HARM missiles and two Sidewinder air-to-air missiles. The chase airplane was in a relatively 揷lean?configuration with only a centerline fuel tank. At the end of each test flight, the chase airplane was several miles behind the test airplane when the chase airplane reached 揵ingo?fuel and had to return to base.

?An F/A-18E Super Hornet is tested using the same chase airplane, an earlier model Hornet, in the same configuration. The chase airplane does not need full thrust to stay with the test airplane.

?An F/A-18E/F in maximum afterburner thrust cannot exceed Mach 1.0 in level flight below 10,000 feet even when it is in the clean configuration (no external stores). At 10,000 feet, the F-14D can exceed Mach 1.6.

?A quote from a Hornet pilot is devastatingly frank: 揟he aircraft is slower than most fighters fielded since the early 1960s.?br>
?The most devastating comment came from a Hornet pilot who flew numerous side-by-side comparison flights with F/A-18E/F Super Hornets and says: 揥e outran them, we out-flew them and we ran them out of gas. I was embarrassed for them.?
Updating the F-14
In the January 1991 issue of Naval Aviation, an article reminded us of some history: 揂fter the dive/bomber became a naval aircraft type in the mid-1930s, fighters were designed primarily as gun platforms. However, the strength and power that characterized the F4U and F6F enabled them to be readily modified to fighter/ bombers. Each could carry forward-firing rockets, two 1,000-pound bombs or a droppable fuel tank. The proportion of fighters assigned to fast carriers increased steadily from 25 percent of complement in 1942 to 50 percent in 1944 to 70 percent in 1945. The dual role made this great increase in air-to-air combat power possible with little loss in carrier air-to-surface capability.?br>
How about a Hellcat II, aka Tomcat II? The first order of business would be to resurrect as many retired F-14s (of any configuration) as we can. Second, combine these with fleet F-14As, the remaining F-14As and even the Iranian F-14 assets that might be obtainable (Iran took delivery of approximately 80 F-14s under the Shah; about 30 are still airworthy). Third, design a program to upgrade all of these aircraft to F-14Ds. This may sound wild, but Grumman experience in restoring Malaysian A4D basket cases to mint condition in the '80s was very successful, and they were not even Grumman airplanes! Similar success in restoring fleet A-6s at Grumman's St. Augustine, Florida, facility was achieved. It would be appropriate for the Navy or DoD to launch a study by a blue ribbon team under the aegis of NAVAIR. We estimate that about 200 additional F-14s could be brought back into the fleet. The titanium box beams and bulkheads are nearly indestructible as well as repairable using electron-beam welding; but this is not yet a Tomcat II.

Buying time with these programs would allow the convening of a design team—again led by NAVAIR—of contractor personnel, MIT scientists and other university help to study the cost of building new F-14s. We think the following design changes to the F-14 are achievable for a new baseline airplane and later for block change improvements:

1. Increase high-value-weapon bring-back capability; this would mean that the F-14, carrying heavy stores, would hit the arresting gear too fast. We could conclude that a bigger wing with more powerful high-lift flaps and slats is required, but fly-by-wire systems allow a more elegant solution.

2. With flaps down, the basic F-14 needs a down tail load to trim out the flap nose-down pitching moment. Allowing the aircraft to fly slightly unstable in pitch, now enabled by fly-by-wire technology, suggests the use of a canard or an enlarged, fixed glove vane as on the F-14A/B, which would produce uploads and relieve the down tail loads.

3. The net result of these changes is that an increase of 4,500 pounds in bring-back store weight could be allowed; this is equivalent to a decrease in approach speed of 12 knots. The relief of down tail loads also solves an aft fuselage maneuvering fatigue problem and brings an air combat maneuvering lift increase of 19 percent. Turning (lift to drag) is also improved by relieving down tail loads. This change could be readily achieved because no primary structure is involved. A further plus of this design change would be that the aircraft's internal fuel capacity could be increased.

4. We appreciate the value of staying with a variable-sweep design—especially for the podded, twin-engine F-14. First, we could have a carrier aircraft with landing speeds in the order of 130 knots versus the F-4 Phantom at 145 knots. At the other end, the mission payload/range is greatly increased by flying unswept, as is air combat maneuvering. Why the latter? Because dedicated air combat occurs at below about Mach 0.8 because of high turning drag—an arena in which the F-14's 20-degree sweep is optimal. And, of course, the F-14 has been to Mach 2.51 with four Sparrows loaded at 68 degrees of wing sweep. The F-14B/D have been flown to Mach 1.35 at 5,000 feet (813 knots IAS), at which point the throttle had to be retarded to avoid over-speed.

5. The F-14 longitudinal flight-control system will have to be redesigned to cope with the level of instability induced by the larger glove, which is minus five percent in clean flight and minus 13 percent flaps down at the most aft CG. This is no big deal and, in fact, it may be within the capability of the existing F-14 bobweight system that tolerates some longitudinal instability. For reference, the Grumman X-29 was 45 percent unstable!

6. The F-14 should have some reasonable stealth-enhancing additions—搒ensible stealth?as we used to call it—which would have practically no impact on weight or performance! A lot of work was done to this end in around 1990; it included full-scale tests on real F-14s. Some radar-signature experts know exactly what should be done. Comparing the basic radar signatures, the F-14 has a slight fundamental disadvantage: it is larger. Its tunnel-mounted attack stores make, however, virtually no contribution to its signature, and it does not carry a forest of wing tanks and weapons on long-range strike missions (this also keeps its signature down).

The baseline F-14D production aircraft defined above would allow these carefully considered modifications:

1. The installation of the F-119 or the F-120 engines. The F-119 has already been checked for fit. Upgrades of the GE F-110 might also be viable. The objective would be a 40,000-pound class turbofan.

2. The installation of two-axis, vectorable, axially symmetric engine nozzles for super augmented pitch, roll and yaw control.

3. The installation of UHF antennas that would be embedded in the increased-chord leading-edge slats to allow the onboard detection and tracking of stealthy adversaries. Low-frequency radar works well against low-radar-cross-section objects. Arrays like this were tested at Grumman around 1990.

In 1990, Grumman defined many versions of what it thought the F-14D could be. It was somewhat overdone in the stealth arena, but it incorporates most of the aforementioned ideas with very little design change or combat penalty. All of the changes are cosmetic 搕in?and not basic to the structure.

An F-14D Tomcat from the "Tomcatters" of Fighter Squadron Three One (VF-31) flies over the Landing Signal Officer (LSO) platform of USS Abraham Lincoln after returning from a successful proficiency flight. Lincoln is on her final segment of a scheduled six-month deployment to the Arabian Gulf in support of Operation Southern Watch.
Photo by Photographer's Mate 2nd Class Daniel Wolsey. Photo courtesy of the U.S. Navy.

A word on aircraft design

Just as commercial airliners are reaching their design limitations as fighter designs have matured, they, too, have encountered the limits imposed by the laws of physics. Fighters and airliners are in the same situation, but fighters include a couple of extra dimensions. For instance, a choice has to be made between supersonic flight and subsonic combat maneuvering and cruise efficiency. The same is true of stealth versus electronic warfare. Pick one and design toward it. If you want a V/STOL, design one, but don't try to make it into a tri-service fighter/bomber.

If you want a long-lasting, long-range fighter/bomber, design it from scratch for the mission as a new or upgraded design—preferably the latter. Then equip it with modern weapons, sensors, surveillance, communications and EW. Let the sensors and computers—on board and remote—give the crew complete knowledge of the situation in the volume of air they are trying to dominate and also suggest the best plays.

The electronics will continue to advance rapidly to provide capabilities that are now only dimly perceived, but the basic airplane, regardless of who designs it, is quickly approaching the best that it can be. In the meantime, remember to give the crew IR missiles and a Gatling gun for those times at which Murphy intervenes and high-tech warfare once again deteriorates to the usual groveling dogfight.

The bottom line is that, unless aircraft like the F-14 continue to be on board, U.S. Navy aircraft carriers will be deployed with low capability aircraft on their flight decks, most of those being versions of the Hornet and the Super Hornet. Despite all protests to the contrary, with regard to standoff munitions and precision guided weapons, our carrier battle forces will not have the pulverizing power of their 1980s counterparts. When that time arrives, it will be the beginning of the end for carrier forces as we know them today—and the end of their rapid availability to the President in times of need.
The future of NAVAIR
In 1975, an A-7 Corsair II was mounted on a pedestal outside the now closed Navy Master Jet Base, Cecil Field, Florida. On the base of the pedestal was a large bronze plaque bearing the inscription: 揟he main battery of the fleet.?The battle groups in those days—equipped with Corsair IIs and A-6 Intruders—could truly 搆ick ass and take names.?Those days may be over—probably forever—unless strong USN action is taken. We can learn major lessons from our past. Let's hope the Navy and the politicians remember to apply these lessons to the future.

So Mr. President, ask not what your carriers can do for you but what you can do for your carriers.

The Authors

In 1951, Bob Kress joined Grumman, where he worked on the F9F-6, XF10F-1 and F11F-1, the proposed STOL ASW flying boats and the Army Mohawk Observation Aircraft; he also helped to design STOL and VTOL aircraft and the TFX. He managed LM Systems Simulation for the lunar module and was project engineer for LM Guidance Navigation and Control. From the F-14A's inception until 1971, he was the program's engineering manager, after which he was appointed F-14 deputy development program manager.

Adm. Paul Gillcrist served 33 years as a Navy carrier pilot and retired in 1985 as a rear admiral. His cruise box contains a pilot's logbook that lists more than 6,000 flight hours in 75 different types of airplane, 962 arrested landings on 16 aircraft carriers and 167 combat missions flown in an F-8 Crusader in the Tonkin Gulf (for which he earned 17 combat awards). He has commanded a fighter squadron and a carrier wing, and at one time, he was in operational control of all Pacific Fleet fighter squadrons.
发表于 2006-9-3 20:44 | 显示全部楼层
网络不是太好, 所以不小心2连了, 抱歉~

[ 本帖最后由 Tinuviel 于 2006-9-3 20:46 编辑 ]
 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-3 20:47 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 haowande11 于 2006-9-3 20:41 发表



发表于 2006-9-3 20:48 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 strongp1 于 2006-9-3 20:43 发表

超 级 战 斗 机 之 争

作者:保罗 盖尔科瑞斯特
鲍伯 克里斯
原载:美国《飞行月刊 Flight Jo ...

可能童年受TOPGUN影响比较大,哈哈~~~这篇文章我也是看英文原文的, 帖个译文比较适合大家观看而已~
发表于 2006-9-3 20:49 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Tinuviel 于 2006-9-3 20:43 发表

我知道, 那个是我笔误而已. 伊朗应该有78架波斯猫, 美国扣了一架, 自己掉了下来一架.
当时美国扣了很多"不死鸟"导弹下来, 现在伊朗没多少个导弹了, 所以都自己改装成发射"霍克"导弹了~ ...

今天。伊朗还有21架能飞的- -

发表于 2006-9-3 20:50 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 strongp1 于 2006-9-3 20:47 发表



中4 脱1  靶机掉1
 楼主| 发表于 2006-9-3 20:53 | 显示全部楼层


发表于 2006-9-3 20:56 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 strongp1 于 2006-9-3 20:53 发表


有一次同时发射2枚AIM54,把俺家的老6和其发射的导 ...

我喜欢HIND, 把FALCON都打了下来~yamiboqe006

MIG-25,美国把那东西称为绑着人的火箭....MIG-25拿来空战太勉强了, 高空侦察就算了~ 伊朗没几个人敢飞的, 打下来的主要都是MIG-23和MIG-21


  日期     战机型号  飞行员   &
nbsp;  使用武器    被击落飞机的型号所属

1980年9月7日  F-14A/                 20毫米机炮  米-25伊拉克陆军航空兵第4中队

1980年9月10日 F-14A/                 AIM-9P      米格-21RF伊拉克空军第1战斗机中队

1980年9月13日 F-14A      阿塔·伊埃 AIM-54A     米格-23MS伊拉克空军

1980年9月22日 F-14A/                 空空导弹/   伊拉克空军

1980年9月22日 F-14A/                 空空导弹/   伊拉克空军

1980年9月23日 F-14A       阿兹米    AIM-54A     米格-21RF伊拉克空军第1战斗机中队

1980年9月23日 F-14A       阿兹米    AIM-54A     米格-23MS伊拉克空军

1980年9月23日 F-14A/                AIM-7E-4    米格-23伊拉克空军

1980年9月23日 F-14A/                AIM-7E-4    米格-23MS伊拉克空军

1980年9月23日 F-14A/                AIM-9P      米格-21MF伊拉克空军

1980年9月24日 F-14        AN·K     AIM-7E-4    米格-21MF伊拉克空军

1980年9月24日 F-14        AN·K     AIM-9P      米格-21MF伊拉克空军

1980年9月24日 F-14A/                AIM-54A     米格-21MF伊拉克空军

1980年9月25日 F-14A/                AIM-54A     米格-21MF伊拉克空军

1980年9月25日 F-14A/                AIM-9P      米格-21MF伊拉克空军

1980年9月25日 F-14A/                AIM-7E-4    米格-23BN伊拉克空军

1980年9月25日 F-14A/               空空导弹     米格-23BN伊拉克空军

1980年9月25日 F-14A/               空空导弹     米格-23BN伊拉克空军

1980年10月2日 F-14A/               AIM-9P       米格-23MS伊拉克空军

1980年10月12日F-14A/               AIM-9P        苏-20伊拉克空军

1980年10月13日F-14A     阿夫沙尔   空空导弹      米格-23BN伊拉克空军

1980年10月20日F-14A     阿格哈     AIM-7E-4       米格-21MF伊拉克空军

1980年10月22日F-14A/               AIM-9P         米格-21MF伊拉克空军

1980年10月25日F-14A/               AIM-9P         苏-20伊拉克空军

1980年10月25日F-14A/               AIM-7E-4       苏-20(击伤)伊拉克空军

1980年10月26日F-14A    阿巴斯·哈金 AIM-9P        米格-21MF伊拉克空军

1980年10月26日F-14A    阿克巴里     AIM-9P        米格-21MF伊拉克空军

1980年10月29日F-14A    塞德吉        AIM-54A      米格-23ML伊拉克空军(飞行员阿尔·萨巴赫阵亡)

1980年10月29日F-14A    塞德吉        AIM-54A      米格-23ML伊拉克空军

1980年10月29日F-14A    塞德吉        AIM-9P       米格-23ML伊拉克空军

1980年10月29日F-14A    塞德吉        AIM-9P       米格-23ML伊拉克空军

1980年10月29日F-14A/                 AIM-54A      图-22B伊拉克空军第7轰炸机中队

1980年11月10日F-14A/                 AIM-7E-4     米格-23BN伊拉克空军第77战斗机中队

1980年11月21日F-14A      阿夫沙尔    AIM-7E-4     米格-21伊拉克空军

1980年12月10日F-14A//                             苏-20伊拉克空军

1980年12月22日F-14A/                 AIM-54A      米格-21或苏-20伊拉克空军

1980年12月22日F-14A/                 AIM-54A      米格-21或苏-20伊拉克空军

1980年12月30日F-14A//                             米格-21MF伊拉克空军

1981年1月7日F-14A/                   AIM-54A      米格-23BN伊拉克空军

1981年1月7日F-14A/                   AIM-54A      米格-23BN伊拉克空军

1981年1月7日F-14A/                   AIM-54A      米格-23BN伊拉克空军

1981年1月7日F-14A/                   AIM-54A      米格-23伊拉克空军

1981年1月29日F-14A/                  AIM-54A      苏-20MK-3伊拉克空军

1981年4月14日F-14A/                  AIM-9P       米格-23BN伊拉克空军

1981年5月15日F-14A/                  AIM-9P       米格-21MF伊拉克空军

1981年5月15日F-14A/                  AIM-54A      米格-25RB伊拉克空军17战斗机中队

1981年12月3日F-14A/                  空空导弹     幻影F.1EQ伊拉克空军92战斗机中队

1981年12月3日F-14A/                  空空导弹     幻影F.1EQ伊拉克空军92战斗机中队

1981年12月3日F-14A/                  空空导弹     幻影F.1EQ伊拉克空军92战斗机中队

1981年12月6日F-14A/                  空空导弹      幻影F.1EQ伊拉克空军92战斗机中队

[ 本帖最后由 Tinuviel 于 2006-9-3 21:01 编辑 ]
发表于 2006-9-3 20:58 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2006-9-3 20:58 | 显示全部楼层

发表于 2006-9-3 21:10 | 显示全部楼层
不过MIG-25还是满过瘾的, 哪怕是让我坐上去飞一躺都好, 她的升限足以让地球看起来是圆的,并达到2.8马赫(另有说法是3.2马赫)~

虽然最大飞行速度被美国的SR-71打破, 但是升限记录还是保持了, 是人类目前为止能飞得最高的航空器材~

In September 1967, a MiG-25 set a world speed record at 1,853.61 miles per hour (2,982 kph). It stood for more than a decade, until broken by an American SR-71 Blackbird in July 1976. It reached 2,016 mph (3,244 kph). On July 25, 1973, a Ye-266, using the same airframe as the MiG-25 but equipped with more powerful engines, set the world's absolute altitude record for a ground-launched air-breathing aircraft, reaching 118,867 ft. (36,230 m). On August 31, 1977, the record was broken by a modified MiG-25 (E-266M) and taken to 123,524 ft. (37,650 m).

Today, no combat aircraft can go faster…no combat aircraft can go higher…period.

At 2.5 times the speed of sound and more than 3 times higher than Mt. Everest even writer and professional adventurer James Clash had a hard time finding words to describe his ride in the MiG-25 with Space Adventures.

"At 70,000 feet we reach Mach 2.5 and are still climbing. The sky has turned a very deep blue and the Earth below is distinctly curved. At 80,000 feet, the sky is cold black and a translucent-blue hue hangs over the curvature. By God, that is the entirety of the atmosphere, I think. I'm astonished by its thinness." - James M. Clash, Forbes Magazine.



The MiG-25 saw combat during the Gulf War. A MiG-25PD recorded the only Iraqi air-to-air kill during the war. It shot down an F/A-18 on the first night of the war(海湾战争唯一在空战中被击落的就是虫子...还是被不擅长空战的狐狸打下来的,不能不说丢人...), then went on to fire missiles at A-6 and A-7 attach aircraft, while avoiding escorting F-14 and F-15 fighters. In another incident, an Iraqi Foxbat-E eluded eight American F-15's, firing three missiles at EF-111 electronic warfare aircraft and forcing them to abort their mission. In yet another incident, two MiG-25's approached a pair of F-15 Eagles, fired missiles (which were evaded by the F-15's), and then outran the American fighters. Two more F-15's joined the pursuit, and a total of ten air-to-air missiles were fired at the Foxbats, none could reach them.

[ 本帖最后由 Tinuviel 于 2006-9-3 21:38 编辑 ]
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